Category: Heart failure

Putting patients at the heart of heart failure services

Heart failure patients will tell you that that they want to manage their condition better at home. They will also tell you that clinical interventions are only one aspect of living with heart failure. The clue is in the living. Managing Heart Failure @home is the first step in investing in and championing innovative ways […]

November 11, 2022

British IRONMAN Trial Published

Author: Richard Mindham – Steering Committee Member – Patient Representative After more than six years of research, the British IRONMAN trial has demonstrated that infusions of intravenous (IV) iron can improve Quality of Life in patients with heart failure (HF) and low iron levels. The IRONMAN trial, which was funded by the British Heart Foundation […]

November 7, 2022


First drug to treat ‘full spectrum’ of chronic heart failure approved by UK regulator: Empagliflozin is the only licensed treatment for adults with symptomatic chronic heart failure with preserved or reduced ejection fraction Bracknell, UK, 14 June 2022 – The UK medicines regulator has approved empagliflozin as a treatment for adults with symptomatic chronic heart […]

June 14, 2022

UK Heart Failure Patient Charter Launch 2022

Download our patient charter People interacting with healthcare services must be treated with respect. They must have equal, timely and appropriate access to optimal treatments and care, as outlined by national and international guidelines. Equally, that respect must be reciprocated to healthcare professionals. People must understand all communication at the point of discussion, explained clearly […]

June 5, 2022

Living well with Heart Failure report 2022

Part of our mission at the Pumping Marvellous Foundation is to raise the profile of Heart Failure, which we have always felt, doesn’t get the coverage it should. As a result, it has a lower profile than other conditions with similar or lesser levels of incidence, both amongst the public and policy makers. Working with our colleagues […]

April 7, 2022


Breaking News Today – 12th April 2021 AstraZeneca today announced that Forxiga (dapagliflozin) has been accepted for use within NHS Scotland by the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) as an additional option for the treatment of symptomatic chronic heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (rEF) in adults, as an add-on to already optimised standard care. […]

April 12, 2021

Legal right to 2 week review of patients with suspected heart failure (HF)

The 2010 NICE guidelines recommend that patients with suspected HF should be reviewed by a specialist – within 2 weeks for urgent cases. Patients are presently waiting up to 20 weeks for specialist assessment. More details The Government should ensure that this recommended right to a review within 2 weeks is set out in law. […]

March 24, 2021

Heart failure and Covid-19 Statement

BSH position statement on the roll out of COVID-19 vaccinations – December 2020 Heart failure and Covid-19 Statement People with heart failure are at increased risk of severe COVID-19. The British Society for Heart Failure strongly recommends that all those eligible accept vaccination, if offered. Vaccines allow an individual to develop immunity to a virus […]

December 18, 2020

World’s First Self-Management Advent Calendar Launches

The Pumping Marvellous Foundation the UK’s Heart Failure Charity launches it’s Christmas Advent Calendar. The World’s First Self-Management Advent Calendar This year we have gone for a unique concept where every door of the advent calendar has a message from either patients, doctors, nurses or specialist exercise experts on how to better self-manage if you […]

December 1, 2020

European commission approves forxiga (dapagliflozin) for heart failure

European commission approves forxiga (dapagliflozin) for the treatment of symptomatic chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in adults. PRESS RELEASE Dapagliflozin is the first SGLT2 inhibitor approved in the European Union (EU) for adult patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D). Almost one […]

November 5, 2020

COVID19, heart failure and the future

From the patient position, there is utter confusion on many levels with regards to their heart failure and COVID-19. Take the problem into your own hands, we say. However, this is just one portion of the problem. The conversation then flows towards the melting away of services under the heat of COVID19. How do patients […]

April 23, 2020

How To Live Happily With Heart Failure

How To Live Happily With Heart Failure Just because you have been diagnosed with heart failure doesn’t mean it needs to dictate the way you live your life. Whilst you may find you need to make some slight lifestyle changes to ensure you are giving yourself the best chance of managing your heart failure, you […]

February 15, 2020

Heart failure lives at home

Heart failure lives at home. Although you read a lot about patients, their treatments and care, nearly all of it relates to hospital, all the problems manifest at home, in the community under the radar of primary care. Investment has historically been invested in the hospital system(acute) where cynically you could imply that’s where the […]

November 7, 2019

What Are The Most Common Treatment Methods For Heart Failure?

If you have heart failure, you have a lot of choices for treatment, but for the majority of patients, it is a case of keeping the symptoms under control – as it is a chronic condition which can be treated. The treatments available help to control symptoms leading many people to live full and active […]

November 4, 2019

Living With Heart Failure: 3 Things You Need To Do

If you have been diagnosed with heart failure, this can be a scary time which can cause you to experience a number of different symptoms. Some of these include, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, coughing and swelling in the legs and tummy, which can all cause a hindrance on your day-to-day life. However, there is […]

November 4, 2019