Putting patients at the heart of heart failure services

Heart failure patients will tell you that that they want to manage their condition better at home. They will also tell you that clinical interventions are only one aspect of living with heart failure. The clue is in the living. Managing Heart Failure @home is the first step in investing in and championing innovative ways to better manage heart failure at home. The approach aims to deliver heart failure care that provides high quality, personalised care and helps people to keep well at home and improve their quality of life.

In my role as Chief Executive of the Pumping Marvellous Foundation and as someone with lived experience of heart failure, in my mind, the key to the success of Managing Heart Failure @home is ensuring that the patient is front and centre of the implementation of services. I have worked in partnership with the Managing Heart Failure @home team to ensure that patient insights are heard.

Read the full Blog Post on the NHS England site

Posted Under: Heart failure, Heart failure treatment, Self Management