Month: November 2019

Heart failure lives at home

Heart failure lives at home. Although you read a lot about patients, their treatments and care, nearly all of it relates to hospital, all the problems manifest at home, in the community under the radar of primary care. Investment has historically been invested in the hospital system(acute) where cynically you could imply that’s where the […]

November 7, 2019

What Are The Most Common Treatment Methods For Heart Failure?

If you have heart failure, you have a lot of choices for treatment, but for the majority of patients, it is a case of keeping the symptoms under control – as it is a chronic condition which can be treated. The treatments available help to control symptoms leading many people to live full and active […]

November 4, 2019

Living With Heart Failure: 3 Things You Need To Do

If you have been diagnosed with heart failure, this can be a scary time which can cause you to experience a number of different symptoms. Some of these include, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, coughing and swelling in the legs and tummy, which can all cause a hindrance on your day-to-day life. However, there is […]

November 4, 2019