Heart Failure Infographic

Heart Failure Infographic

Heart Failure Infographic makes Heart Failure clearer for everyone

Heart failure is a syndrome caused by many different reasons. We have produced this heart failure infographic to help people understand –

  • What it is
  • What are the common symptoms of heart failure
  • What are the common causes of heart failure
  • Some facts and figures around the impact of heart failure
  • Some of the positive steps we can take to make living with heart failure better

The patients tell us what we need to do

The patients in our online communities – our closed community support group on facebook and our heart failure page on facebook told us there appeared to be a lack of good quality understandable information about heart failure in the UK. With their help we developed a list of priorities and showcased them in an heart failure infographic.

You can download the infographic here or open up as a pdf. We encourage you to share this page and help the Pumping Marvellous Foundation build awareness of what heart is, it’s causes and symptoms and it’s impact. Most importantly what we and others should be doing about making lives for heart failure patients better.

If you know someone with heart failure give them a gift and tell them about the Pumping Marvellous Foundation. Telling them about the support available is important.


Posted Under: Heart failure, Heart failure patient information, Heart failure patient support, Heart failure symptons, Heart failure treatment, Heart News, How the heart works, Self Management, What is heart failure