Palliative Care in heart failure – what may matter to you
Your Journey
From the moment you’re diagnosed with Heart Failure you’re opened up to a whole new world. Changes seem to come at you all at once. You will experience new terminology, tests, scans, lifestyle changes and a bewildering array of medication. You’ll also hear many people’s opinions on what you should be doing, some as you can see there’s a lot to take on board and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. At the Pumping Marvellous Foundation we believe that everyone needs a helping hand, wherever they are in their journey.
Our Patient Educators have shared their thoughts on Palliative Care in this guide. Some received little or no information about their condition or how it was to be treated. Others say they just couldn’t take in what was being said, due to shock or because they were so unwell. You may wish to know everything, right from
the beginning, or for others the bare minimum of information is all they feel they can cope with.
At the Pumping Marvellous Foundation we appreciate everyone approaches their diagnosis and management of their condition differently. This guide is here to support you in understanding what Palliative Care in Heart Failure may mean to you. Use the guide as an initial introduction to your Palliative Care, or an ongoing resource to support you with managing your Heart Failure. Managing your Heart Failure is important and our “Marvellous Big Pocket Guide to Heart Failure” is a great way of grasping some ways you can live well with Heart Failure. Ask your Heart Failure Nurse for a copy if you don’t have one.