Heart Failure Nurse Audit 2018
The Pumping Marvellous Foundation knows that patients and their carers repeatedly tell us about their marvellous heart failure nurse and how important they are. Indeed, the All-Party Parliamentary Group enquiry into heart failure in September 2016 raised the significance of the role that is played by the heart failure nurse. At the same time, they acknowledged that there is no national definition of a heart failure specialist nurse, how many nurses there are or where these nurses work along with the skills and experience that required for the role, and just what services teams are offering. The Pumping Marvellous Foundation decided to catalyse the discussion and advocate for heart failure nurses. Patients rated them as an essential member of the heart failure MDT. We also know of the benefit they bring to patient clinical outcomes and the prevention of hospital readmissions.
We decided, with a hands-off educational grant from Boston Scientific to design, deliver and disseminate our findings through the first UK Heart Failure Nurse Audit.
View the final report of the UK Heart Failure Nurse Audit 2018
Featured Journal Article in the British Journal of Cariology