Common Symptoms Of Heart Failure That You Should Look Out For

Common Symptoms Of Heart Failure That You Should Look Out For
Heart failure is the term for a condition where your heart doesn’t work as well as it should. It does not mean your heart has stopped working, it just needs some support to help it work better. The symptoms can often be managed for many years. There are lots of different reasons why people experience heart failure and it is actually more common than many people realise.
Unfortunately, not all heart problems come with clear warning signs. There isn’t always an alarming pain in your chest or an obvious sign, and some heart symptoms don’t even happen in your chest. It isn’t always easy to tell what’s going on with our bodies and of course, when our heart is involved we want to make sure that we are clued up. To help anyone that is curious about the symptoms of heart failure, in particular, Pumping Marvellous have put together a list of signs to look out for.
Experiencing breathlessness during activity with no obvious reasoning, whilst you’re resting or even whilst you’re sleeping can be a sign of heart failure. If you find that you often have difficulty breathing while lying flat or you’re waking up tired or feeling anxious and restless then don’t just ignore this. Breathlessness can be due to having fluid in your lungs which is caused by blood backing up in the pulmonary veins because the heart can’t keep up. By itself it doesn’t mean you have heart failure as heart failure is a collection of symptoms.
Persistent cough
As well as feeling breathless, if you find that you have a cough that you can’t get rid of then it is worth bringing to the attention of a doctor. Look at the colour of any mucus you may be coughing up and if it is white or pink blood-tinged then don’t overlook this. This is another sign that fluid may be building up on your lungs, similarly to breathlessness. By itself it doesn’t mean you have heart failure as heart failure is a collection of symptoms.
Feeling tired
Fatigue and feeling tired during simple everyday activities you had no problem doing in the past are other symptoms to look out for. Extreme exhaustion or unexplained weakness, sometimes for days at a time, can be a symptom. People with heart failure experience this because their heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the needs of body tissues. The body will automatically divert blood away from less vital organs, such as muscles in the limbs, and send it to the heart and brain. By itself it doesn’t mean you have heart failure as heart failure is a collection of symptoms.
Swollen ankles
If your shoes or socks are starting to feel tight and you’ve noticed that your ankles, feet or even legs are swollen then this could be a heart failure symptom. People experience swelling because blood flow out of their heart can start to slow, this means that blood returning to the heart backs up, causing fluid to then build up in the tissues. By itself it doesn’t mean you have heart failure as heart failure is a collection of symptoms.
Fast heart rate
Sometimes, it is normal for your heart to race, but if you feel like your heart is beating faster than usual without reason, or you feel as though your heart is throbbing, then this can be a symptom. It isn’t uncommon for people with heart failure to feel this way because their heart is trying to make up for the loss in pumping capacity by beating much faster. By itself it doesn’t mean you have heart failure as heart failure is a collection of symptoms. By itself it doesn’t mean you have heart failure as heart failure is a collection of symptoms.
Feeling unexplainable dizziness or unexpectedly losing your balance and feeling unsteady can be an indicator of heart failure. The same goes for feeling sick and dizzy at the same time. These feelings can be caused because your blood pressure has dropped, due to the fact your heart isn’t able to pump the way it should or, because your digestive system is receiving less blood which is causing problems. By itself it doesn’t mean you have heart failure as heart failure is a collection of symptoms.
Acting on heart failure symptoms
A lot of the symptoms and signs mentioned above are not causes for alarm by themselves and there is often another reason for the way that you’re feeling. However, if you have more than one of these symptoms then don’t hesitate to speak to a medical professional. You know your body and if things aren’t right then don’t feel embarrassed to reach out for help.
If you are currently living with heart failure, then it is still important for you to be aware of these symptoms and to keep track of things you are experiencing. If you do experience any sudden changes then you should report these to your healthcare team. They are there to offer support for all heart failure patients and they can provide you with any advice you require in this regard as and when required.