How Much Do You Want To Know?

Your Discharge Pack

Over 1 million people in the UK have a diagnosis of Heart Failure. By educating themselves and actively
managing their Heart Failure, many people can find a way to live well with their Heart Failure. In this
Discharge Pack, you can find out how you too, can live well with Heart Failure.

What’s in My Discharge Pack?

Your Discharge Pack includes the following pull-out resources:

• The Basics – a simple guide to managing your symptoms, including a Symptom Checker, so you know when and how to
seek help.

• A Little Bit More – information about the type and possible causes of your Heart Failure.

• A Lot More – learn more about the potential treatments for your type of Heart Failure and why they are important.

• Everything – the art of self-managing your condition and living well with Heart Failure.

The contents of this Discharge Pack can help yourself live well with Heart Failure.

You can choose when, and in how much detail, you wish to learn.

We highly recommend you start with The Basics (a simple guide to managing your symptoms) pull-out.

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When you are ready to learn more about your condition, you can move on to read our other pull-out resources:




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